  • Undergraduate Program
    We will develop problem-solving personnel that contribute to innovation in each area of society such as business, public and tourism, beyond the boundaries of arts and sciences.
    • Curriculum
      The curriculum consisting of four majors.
      • Department introduction
        Students acquire interdisciplinary and expertise to be the leaders of knowledge society by four majors across the boundaries of arts and sciences.
      • Majors
        Students learn one or more of the four specialized fields of "business administration", "public policy", "data science" and "tourism management" to hone their expertise.
      • Curriculum Composition
        Curriculum to clarify student's qualities and courses step by step and to acquire the ability to lead to the future.
      • Unique Features
        The combination of business administration and information generates an additional advantage.
  • Faculty
  • Research Center
    • Research Center for ICT Innovation
    • Tourism Research Center
      A policy to develop tourism as a primary industry of Shizuoka Prefecture emerged when Japan became a tourism-oriented country. The University of Shizuoka’s TRC, therefore, was founded as a central tourism research institute of Shizuoka Prefecture to connect tourism-related industries, dispatch information, develop the tourism industry, and revitalize the local economy through tourism in the region.

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52-1 Yada, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan. Phone: +81-054-264-5008 (student affairs section)
Copyright(C)2018 School of Management & Information, University of Shizuoka. All rights reserved. Since Dec. 27, 2002.